Green Gardening Tips for Spring

Plant With Consideration

Soak the roots before planting, ensure that the hole is bigger than the root ball, and remember that plants like shrubs need a lot of breathing room to grow properly. Always be gentle with new plants, especially when removing them from their pots to avoiding bruising or breaking the stems. The best way to get the plant out safely is to turn the pot upside down as you gently squeeze the sides, using your free hand to reach it as it slides out.


While it’s cheap and easy to buy your compost in (£8.99, Amazon), we prefer the homemade stuff. Making your own compost is one of the best ways to make the most of your waste, save yourself some money, and ensure that your garden is in the very best position for growth. Our best composters for 2019 can be found here.

Water Butts

We like big butts and we cannot lie. Cut down your water use by making the most of the great British summer weather (ie: pouring rain) and capture the heavens when they open. Using this water for your garden is better for the plants, and they’re inexpensive to install (£19.99, Strata).

Weeding Out The Enemy

Weeds are the worst enemy of any gardener, amateur or expert. It’s important to make sure that you get into a routine of heading weeds off at the pass, ensuring that the full plants comes up when removed. Remember never to add weeds that have seeds clinging to them into your compost; you could end up re-seeding them when you get to spread the compost.

Encourage Visitors

Cultivating plants that will encourage bees to visit your garden is not only a great way to pollinate your flowers, but also helps support the local ecosystem and support the depleting number of bees in the country. Lavender, nepeta and sedum are all famous for attracting bees, but if you’re looking for a more adventurous and eclectic mix then specialist seed bombs (£7.49, LiveMoor) are great.

Label It Up

If you’re new to gardening, prone to forgetting where you put things, or just want to make sure you know what’s what in your new garden, labelling your plants and seeds is always a good idea. You get purpose made ones (£5.79, Kinglake) or make your own from recycled materials.


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