- Stop buying bottled water. Get a reusable one like this instead.
- Turn off your lights when you’re not in the room.
- Get a water butt to collect rainwater for all your gardening – it’s actually better for your plants too.
- Fix that leaky tap. Dripping taps in the UK waste around 2.5 billion litres of water a year.
- Switch to rechargable batteries. It’ll save you money and prevent you throwing out old batteries filled with toxic chemicals.
- Swap your paper kitchen roll for tea towels.
- Opt for paper staws over plastic ones
- Think about investing in a bike for short trips and commutes. A lot of work places offer significant subsidies and cycle-to-work schemes too.
- Swap out you old bulbs for LEDs. Don’t wait for them to blow first either, the money you’ll save on running costs means an LED bulbs easily pays for itself.
- Turn off the tap when you’re brushing your teeth, it isn’t doing anything!
- Get into the refurbishing and upcycling trend.
- Unsubscribe from unnecessary junk mail.
- Swtich to e-books and audiobooks.
- Turn off your energy hogging devices at the switch instead of leaving them on standby.
- Recycle your old electronics at recycling centres instead of throwing them in the bin.
- Start growing your own herbs, fruits and vegetables.
- Shop local and try to source your produce from close to home.
- Keep a reusable bag tucked up in your handbag so you don’t forget it.
- Cook more instead of ordering in or buying pre-made meals.
- Try reducing your meat consumption. You don’t have to go all the way vegan, just try a day or two a week meat-free.
- Switch over your utility bills to email and online-only.
- Start using that ugly little green compost box the council gave you.
- Make your own cleaning products – you can learn how here.
- Support your local charity shops.
- Try to find eco-friendly clothes. ASOS, for example, has a filter on their website for just that.
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