If you live in an urban area, you have probably had someone knock on your door and offer you free cavity wall and loft insulation. If you live out in the country, it is sometimes easy to be out of the loop when it comes to government schemes. We want to make sure you know what you are eligible for, and where you can go for your insulation.
Why is insulation more important for rural properties?
There are a couple of reasons that insulation tends to be even more important in rural areas. Firstly, you are likely to be more exposed in a rural location. Rural areas are always a few degrees colder than urban locations, and that means you need more heat to keep your home warm. You are also more likely to be exposed to higher winds which can make insulation even more important.
Secondly, rural properties are more likely to be detached – so all 4 outer walls are exposed. Most urban properties are terraced or semi detached, so not all their walls lose heat to the outside. So generally speaking, rural properties have more to gain by improving their insulation!
What are you eligible for?
If you live in a rural area, you are going to fall in to one of two categories – rural and low income rural areas. If you live in a low income rural area, there is plenty of funding available under the ECO scheme for your loft and cavity walls. Many companies will have the funding available, us being no exception, and all you have to do is give us a call.
If you live in the other type of rural area, the funding falls under the CERO section of ECO, and is a little harder to come by. Many companies don’t have access to this funding and as such you may be lead to believe that you are not entitled to any help getting insulation. This couldn’t be less true. Even if you are in one of these areas, there is free insulation available to you, you will just have to look around a bit more. At the GreenAge, we offer free cavity and loft insulation for anyone, regardless of the postcode area they fall in to, because we have access to both pots of funding.
How do I know what area I fall in to?
If you live in the greater London and South East area, I highly recommend you give us a call, as we will be able to get your insulation installed whatever your postcode. If you live outside of the south east, it may be a bit more tricky, but do persevere! You could save yourself hundreds of pounds a year by installing insulation.
If you would like to read more about cavity wall insulation, see our full guide here.
Installing Cavity Wall Insulation
Need cavity wall insulation? We have scoured the country for the best tradespeople, so that we can make sure we only recommend those we really trust.
If you would like us to find you a local insulation installer, just fill in the form below and we will be in touch shortly!
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