Why get a new boiler?

Why invest in an energy efficient boiler?

Old boilers are often pretty inefficient. Most last around 15 years, so if yours is approaching this age, it might be time to think about getting a new boiler. Because your boiler can account for up to 55% of your annual energy bills, you could potentially save a lot of money by replacing it, if you don’t already have a modern condensing boiler. Also old boilers become really difficult to service after a while, because parts become tricky to source and the boilers near enough impossible to repair, and new boilers with new parts should work very well and give you that piece of mind.

>>How Efficient is my Boiler?<<

What are typical prices for new energy efficient boilers?

Boilers aren’t cheap – they can cost from £500 to £2,500 – but they can pay back within a few years in energy savings. You could save £300 per year on your bills by replacing an older model boiler with an A-rated high efficiency condensing boiler. A new boiler is also more reliable – it won’t play up and leave you with no heating for days.

Can I get a grant for a boiler replacement?

Installing a new boiler

Are you thinking about getting a new boiler? We have scoured the country for the best tradespeople, so that we can make sure we only recommend those we really trust.

If you would like us to find you a local installer to install a new boiler in your home, just fill in the form below and we will be in touch shortly!

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