Nick Miles on BBC Radio London Speaking About Energy Use

Mark Forrest Show on BBC Local Radio & BBC London

Mark Forrest brings the best of local BBC radio together on his Mon-Thur evening show, broadcast to most local BBC Radio frequencies. This week our very own Nick Miles was invited to talk about energy use in the home.

Energy use can cost consumers a lot money and if simple precautions and energy saving tips are not taken on-board, £100s could be wasted on excess heating and electricity usage.

Simple steps to reduce waste on energy usage

As mentioned on the show by Nick, you should try and take the following steps to make sure you are not wasting money on energy bills:

  • Shop around for the best supplier / tariff, using the Government’s approved energy switching site, uSwitch.
  • Buy yourself an energy monitor to understand where energy is being used in the household.
  • Draught proof windows, doors, chimneys and repair cracks in walls.
  • Purchase simple appliance standby eliminators like footswitches and master-slave sockets.
  • Swap out halogen spotlights with LED lights.

Final Word on Energy Supplier Switching

While energy switching or swapping out your supplier doesn’t always go to plan, it shouldn’t perturb you from actually trying to get involved in this process. It is important to take the meter readings (both electricity & gas) at the point of switching the supplier. We would also recommend taking a digital photograph of the meter reading – either using your camera or your smart phone. Then store the photographs safely should you need them.

If you have difficulties accessing a computer, try to ask for support from immediate friends and family who may be able to help. Also try to use the local library computer facilities.

Switching suppliers really does save money, because energy suppliers more often that none will have consumers on the standard tariff, which is quite expensive.

Do not confuse energy switching with energy price fixing – energy price fixing may simply just fix the standard price you receive now and not pass on the savings when energy prices go down.

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