It appears our Royal Family is experiencing a real surge in popularity at the moment, gaining favourable coverage across the country. This was compounded by the announcement at the end of last year that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby. Preceding this we had the Diamond jubilee in early 2012 and the Royal Wedding the year before; it seems that the good news just keeps on coming.
As such, while people seem to be taker a greater interest in the Royal Family, it is nice to know that our next monarch is taking such a keen interest in safeguarding the environmental future of the country he will some day serve.
Prince Charles, in a interview with ITV’s This Morning, said:
“I’ve gone on for years about the importance of thinking about the long term in relation to the environmental damage, climate change and everything else.
We don’t, in a sensible world, want to hand on an increasingly dysfunctional world to our grandchildren, to leave them with the real problem.
I don’t want to be confronted by my future grandchild and [have] them say: ‘Why didn’t you do something?’ So clearly now that we will have a grandchild, it makes it even more obvious to try and make sure we leave them something that isn’t a total poisoned chalice.”
In a country where our Government keeps firing out mixed messages about environmental policy (see John Hayes and Greg Barker’s latest disagreement on wind power in November as the latest in a long running dialogue of inconsistent messages), I think it is great news that we have a future King who believes so strongly in the environmental cause. In his future position as head of state, he should have the ideal platform to make a real difference.
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