What is a Renewable Energy Feasibility Study (REFS)?
A Renewable Energy Feasibility Study is used to provide an analysis of the best heating or microgeneration renewables for your particular needs.
When looking into the various options of small-scale renewable energy systems, the complexity of what is available can be overwhelming. Is it better to use solar PV or solar thermal? Am I allowed a wind turbine where I live? What kind of funding can I get for this technology? Is my property suitable? Etc etc.
What does a Renewable Energy Feasibility Study take into account?
Your Needs
Not everyone is looking for the same thing with a Renewable Energy Feasibility Study, so each study is different. Are you interested in making your property as low-impact as possible regardless of cost, or are you hoping to invest in a renewable tech that can provide some sort of payback over time? Perhaps you have a lot of land, or a windy property, and are wondering if it’s possible to take advantage of this. Everyone is different and each feasibility study is tailored to the specific requirements of the client.
Your Property
Just as each brief is different, so is each property. The technologies that are most suited to a rural farmstead with lots of land are unlikely to be the same things that will suit an inner-city flat or industrial warehouse. Even if your neighbours have solar panels, for example, you may find that the angle of your roof is not adequate for them.
Planning Permissions & Logistics
As renewables are becoming a more and more popular option for private properties, the law is catching up with how and where they should be placed on/in a property. It’s not just the legality either; some places just aren’t suited for certain technologies – a ground source heat pump needs a huge amount of space, for example.
Costs & Funding
Just as planning permissions change and get updated, so do funding opportunities. In fact, they change more often. Especially at the moment, with climate change and energy at the forefront of every political agenda – funding schemes (especially domestic ones) seem to be changing all the time, and it can be difficult to keep up. A Renewable Energy Feasibility Study will help to ascertain exactly which current funding options you might be able to take advantage of and with which technologies. It also takes into account how much each tech costs and the likely payback time for the investment.
What kind of technologies can be considered with a Renewable Energy Feasibility Study?
- Air source heat pumps
- Biomass boilers
- Cavity wall insulation
- CHP (combined heat and power)
- Electric heating systems
- Ground source heat pumps
- Solar PV
- Solar thermal
- Solid wall insulation
- Underfloor heating
- Water source heat pumps
- Wind turbines
- Many, many more!
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