Over the next week are are going to put up blogs that look at the best way to heat your home – today we start with heating your home with a condensing energy efficient gas boiler.
In each of the blogs we are going to assume that you have just moved in to your house, or are looking to do some serious renovation, and as such you want to take a look at your heating. There are several typical ways that you can heat your home, each with their advantages and disadvantages, so let’s take a look at each one and give you all the key resources you will need to get the most appropriate heating system installed in your home.
Every home is different, therefore the heating system will vary!
Each home is different, and as such each one may benefit from a different heating solution. A house with big gardens in the country may wish to install a Ground Source Heat Pump, whilst a flat in London with Economy 7 may opt for storage heaters. There is no one size fits all solution. In some properties you might even want to combine two forms of heating!
Blogs in this Series
In these blogs we will look at 5 different heating systems which can be seen below
- 3rd November 2014 – Heating your home with a gas boiler. Gas is still the cheapest way to heat your home, so if you are on the grid, you should be using a gas boiler.
- 4th November 2014 – Heating your home with storage heaters. Taking advantage of off peak tariffs like economy 7 requires storage of heat for when you need it. Modern storage heats are still a good option for many properties.
- 5th November 2014 – Heating your home with Heat pumps. Perhaps the most expensive of the options, heat pumps are a great option because of the RHI funding available with them, helping to repay the costs of the install.
- 6th November 2014 – Heating your home with Infrared. The newcomer on the market, infrared is a chic, efficient and attractive way to heat your home.
- 7th November 2014 – Heating your home with a Log Burner. These are growing in popularity all the time and although they might not be able to heat the whole home, they are definitely worth considering!
I have to agree that every home is different and also the location of your house has another concern that needs to be considered.